Obion County Board of Education
September 4, 2012

Agenda Item: VIII.F.

Consider/Approve Amendment to Board Policy #1.400 – School Board Meetings

Background Information:

Public Chapter 823, effective July 1, 2012, allows some Board members to participate in Board meetings via electronic means. Generally, there are only three (3) circumstances that permit such participation: military service, family emergency, as defined by the Board, and an absence from the county due to work.  To this end, TSBA has proposed changes to Board Policy #1.400 – School Board Meetings. The section of the proposed policy titled Electronic Attendance is the proposed addition. By law, Board members can only participate twice via electronic means for family emergency and absence from the county due to work. The Board may define family emergency; however, the definition in TSBA’s proposed policy follows the sick leave policy. For reference purposes, our current policy is attached.

In addition, lines 7 and 8 of TSBA’s proposed policy need to be inserted into our policy. This addition would prevent anyone from bringing a camera, camcorder, or other photographic equipment to a Board meeting without the consent of the Board.

We also need to better define regular meetings of the Board. I propose the language to read, beginning on line 9 of our current policy, “Regular meetings of the Board shall be held on the first Monday of each month or as set forth in the Board’s Annual Agenda.”

Staff Recommendation:

I recommend approval of the above-noted amendments to Board Policy #1.400 – School Board Meetings, on first reading.